Friday, December 29, 2006

Hey hey!! its a little late for a Christmas note - but i think we are still in the season right? So Merry Christmas from Chamonix, France.
So snow is crazy. Not sticky enough to make snow balls or snow men with though. And we had to go to the French alps 3000 or so meters up just to make we actually saw the stuff. A few days in the freezing cold was pretty challenging after some of the warmest days of the whole trip in Cinque Terre.
None the less, we rugged up in our own Perth-esc way and took a ski lift 2000 meters up to some of the most amazing and far away from home views I´ve seen in my life. Mountains covered in snow and stepping knee deep in all that white fluffy goodness. Thanks to Steph I was well equipped with good hiking\snow shoes.
A wimpy but successful cut off branch for a Christmas tree, decorated with Rom and Mels jewelery (as well as some alfoil from a chocolate wrapper), we surrounded it with presents we had sneakily brought each other over the trip.
Croissants for breaky, a lot of cheese fondue for lunch, and an amazing true Christmas dinner at the hostel.
We ice skated in the evening and i enviously watched some young kids play ice hockey on an outdoor rink surrounded by mountains. Coup fell over a lot.
On boxing day we wondered about the test results and decided we better set up a competition of our own. Seen in the video is the final of our €3 schled slide down a little hill race. It was one all in a best of 3 final. Rom took the trophy after Mel cheated with an early start (see 3rd umpire video).

So now we are in Barcelona for new years and Coup and I are a bit hungover after trying to out-drink a Canadian linebacker called Dave. Hes about 300 pounds (thats probably an over statement but he is pretty big). I don´t think we really had a chance after 1 too many Mojitos.


On a side note...

In Cinque Terre a pizza cook approached me with a small pen and paper and sort of motioned that he wanted my autograph. He then said something in Italian and then said "...You are Steven Spielberg!... We all laughed thinking he was joking. He wasn´t. He actually thought I was Steven Spielberg. Mel told him the truth and i think he was pretty embarrassed. In other words - my beard is coming along nicely.


Anonymous said...

i'm green with evny - i've not seen snow !! how exc to have a white xmas - no doubt you've eard we had a B hot one. cricket 4 - 0 tee hee - last test soon & i'm sure that will be 5 - 0 - last we will see of warne & last test for mc.grath boo hoo . all the best to you all for NEW YEAR'S - much love nana xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anna said...

Barcalona,what a wonderful place to spend New Year,have a stupendous time, much love to all Nanna xxxx

Anonymous said...

Good to see you all seem to be continuing to have fun. Mel, to say I was ashamed and a little disappointed at the vision of the bobsled race is a gross understatement. If you had taken off on "2" you would have won for sure. I think that "other girl" must have been very mean. Don't worry back home we all know who the real bobsled champion is.

Slide on,

Uncle Phil.

Anonymous said...

Its so good to hear how beautiful it is for you all. Green is my predominant colour (envy that is)
Snow, lots of alcohol and the warmth of true friends around you. Life is sweet. But I miss you
Take care, and enjoy every single moment
Gene's dad

Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastic! I am also envious.
Prague sounded wonderful (got your postcard yesterday).
I'm back at work. Blog perusing has recommenced. As has yelling abuse at the UK visa site.
How can I have 2 degrees and not figure out where the 'save' button is?