Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Have fun, will travel, reach the heart of Durgerdam

getting involved, originally uploaded by Genoceros.

We roam the stone roads of old Amsterdam NL, navigating, dodging hundreds of hurried bikes, dinging trams and cars that don't seam to belong. We tour around the canals and walk the streets, popping in and out of little shops, assigning ourselves simple tasks - an hour spent looking for the ultimate frites shop (frites are chips. The best you'll ever taste, doused in mayo - they drown them in that shit). Just happy not having any responsibilities. The girls and Coup have their heads buried in the Amsterdam map as it almost falls to pieces from so much re-opening. I hang a few paces back and stare up at the beautiful old town houses that are so squished together some look as though they will pop right out. Occasionally I cop a strong whiff of a so called 'Coffee Shop' and feel like I'm at the Big Day Out or my Dads 40th birthday party.
We hire bright red bikes and wear matching blue rain ponchos, standing out in the crowds as the obvious tourists we are. The Dutch yell "What are you doing?!" and "Mac Bike - Gay!" as I nearly crash into them on the bike path. I like that they assume I speak English as a first language. Don't ride on the left. A tip.
20 minutes by bike out of Amsterdam, we arrive at a quaint little village called Durgerdam, 1 row of old pointy cottage houses, facing a talked up dirt mound dyke and a row of old fishing boats. We ride around, looking at everything with such awe and amazement, stepping out of the cold and into a dark local pub. Befriending the locals, they buy us shots (apparently this is unheard of) and Coup steals their cake.
The Red Light District is crazy and weird. Window Shopping? But this is nothing new. We get offered "Cocaine? Ecstasy? Speed?!" 3 times in 5 meters... we politely decline. In the evenings we retire to amazing home cooked meals at our temporary home with Deerah, GertJan and Riya, and I fall asleep at the table.
We've had some sunny days, some rainy days and some fucking freezing days.
Everything is crazy. Most of our conversations start with "It's cool how..." "It's crazy how..." "It's awesome how..." "It's amazing how..." "It's weird how...". It’s all of those things. And we've been here less than a week.

"A crazy evening in a Coffee Shop" post - coming soon.


Anonymous said...

A post! I check this thing literally 10 times a day. Chained to my desk, thinking up creative ways to spend $30 on Christmas decorations and attempting to find a cheap flight around the world, it has become one of the sites that I use to procrastinate.
Sounds like you guys are having a blast! Looking forward to the coffee shop installment...

Anonymous said...

Oh my god I'm going to cry guys, that sounds so beautiful. Lucky bitches, I'm in the office right now! Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!!

Guess u will all be in Prag by tonight, hope u arrived save, without bordercontroltroubles.
Has been an awesome time having you here - I reccon I got a bit of my australian spirit back now...
I miss you - suddenly my flat seems so empty... but E'm off to Dresden in a few hours - so i better get myself "organised" =)
Love you all, thanks for everything, I'm sure u will have a great time, take care
Lots of love

Anna said...

weather here very hot 42c today, i guess it is so much cooler where you are,

maclovenotwar said...

hey man
sorry i've been absent on the net

you're flat is in good shape, and i sorted your mail on your coffee table.

keep up the good time!

Geno said...

well im not sure it is anything that exciting... maybe the mystery will make it sound cooler.

besides... ive sort of forgotten now. haha

Anonymous said...

où sont votre blog? où sont vos aromes doux?

terence jefferson said...

Updates dammit! Hope the trips progressing in rad format!!
peace kids

Anonymous said...

salut tout vous sont comment veut souhaiter juste que vous tout un noël joyeux espère que tout va bien un im appréciant mon amour de lol de leçons français à tout kim

Anonymous said...

I am concerned and perhaps a little jealous that there hasn't been a post posted since the politely dismissive references to the spoils of Amsterdam. Follow the light and you will find your way home. or at least back out into the street.

Uncle Phil

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, still alive its hard to find time for blogs, photos are much more up to date, we should post one soon since we have ten hours free net at this hostel. Quick tour so far - Amsterdam - Berlin&Eberswalde - Prague - Vienna - Venice arrived in Rome last night.

maclovenotwar said...


We can see all of your photos when you get home, you'll forget the stories!

show compassion to a bored as fk blog reader!


Anna said...

Rome how wonderful ,I agree with James more stories,
You must be blown away with all that history,wonderful art,ect.
I love the photos ,they are truly amazing, it is clear to see you are all having a fab time.
Love and Hugs xxx