Sunday, December 03, 2006

Steph is 21 today (except here its still dark)

Steph is 21 today
Originally uploaded by melody.jane.
happy birthday my darling steph! i think that youre one of the most wonderful people i know and i wish i was there to help you celebrate reaching your 21st in such style! ill have a beer for you, although i doubt ill be able to find a little creatures bright - german beer will have to suffice. wuv you wots and wots xox


Anonymous said...

Hey Melly I felt sorry for you that nobody had left a comment on your post...where are you Steph? (and happy birthday)
Don't worry, mummy to the rescue - now it won't say 0 comments.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I couldn't leave a comment before because the stupid mlc computers wouldn't let me onto your blog site!
Anyway, thankyou, mwa! The end of my birthday month was celebrated adequately :)
Going to Elton John tonight - HOORAH! Extremely excited!
Where are you now?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,
hope you're having a good time.Looks like you are.

Uncle Phil.